Brand Name & Strength
Nitroprussiat Fides 50 mg
Reconstitute with provided solvent
Further Dilution
Dilute reconstituted solution with 500 – 1000 ml diluent
Administration & Infusion rate
IV infusion
(only with an infusion pump)
Administer initially at 0.3 mcg/kg/min, titrate every few min to desired effect. Usual effective rate is 3
mcg/kg/min. Max rate 10 mcg/kg/min.
Be aware that if drug is given at a rate more than 500 mcg/kg faster than 2mcg/kg/min, cyanide is
generated at a rate faster than patient can eliminate it
Storage & Stability
(<25 oC)
(2 – 8 oC)
After Reconstitution
After dilution
4 hr
Never infuse at maximum dosage rate for more than 10 minutes. If blood pressure is not adequately
controlled after 10 minutes of maximum-rate infusion, end infusion immediately.
Must be protect from light during preparation as it is sensitive to certain wavelength of lights.
(wrapping with tin foil)
Do not administer other drug in the same solution
Watch for signs and symptoms of cyanide toxicity (lactic acidosis, dyspnea, headache, vomiting,
confusion and loss of consciousness)